Book Mail is the Best Mail

Pixel is a huge fan of book mail from Penguin Random House.

Though maybe not for the same reasons as I am...

Update: Pixel is now an internet celebrity.


  1. Aw, that's so great! I got a book package earlier today and my dog loved to help me open them up, tearing the cardboard strips and then demolishing the packaging whilst I take the book for ME. We should get these book package loving animals together, Rosie. x

    1. Hey Romi! As long as my book comes out of the package safe and sound, I don't care what happens to the box. If it makes our pets happy, so be it.

      Thanks for stopping by my post! :)

  2. This is amazing and adorable <3 Book mail really is the best.

    1. Thanks so much, Brittany :) There's nothing like knowing you are about to open a package filled with books!

  3. my cats are never far when I get book mail it seems! they always want the boxes or try and run off with the paper. they are so ridiculous. ps. your cat is a cutie!

  4. How cute! My cats seem to love book mail too. Even though they have their own beds they insist on sleeping in boxes.

  5. I love book & magazine mail b/c I get lots of both. There's nothing like shiny new ones even though I have a huge backlog I'm working through.

    My daughter is the one that loves opening the packages. If we get only bills/ads/junk mail, it's "boring mail."


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